Anyway. Всем, кто не ждал, не надеялся и в мыслях не держал - разговоры о переиздании и возможной экранизации:
Lymond Chronicles, the House of Niccolò series and King Hereafter to be republished!
И отдельно:
The Lymond Chronicles and House of Niccolò series will be released with a consistent new look, and Dunnett’s standalone novel, King Hereafter will be released with a similar rebrand. Curtis Brown have also closed a major TV deal with Mammoth Screen (Poldark, Victoria and Parade’s End) for the Lymond Chronicles series.
Ура, что ли Главное только, чтобы ничего не свернули, а то плавали, знаем...
The Lymond Chronicles and House of Niccolò series will be released with a consistent new look, and Dunnett’s standalone novel, King Hereafter will be released with a similar rebrand. Curtis Brown have also closed a major TV deal with Mammoth Screen (Poldark, Victoria and Parade’s End) for the Lymond Chronicles series.
Ура, что ли Главное только, чтобы ничего не свернули, а то плавали, знаем...